The Australian Government has set in law the largest network of marine reserves on earth and shown the world that Australia means business when it comes to protecting our oceans, says Australia’s peak marine conservation group, the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS). The government today formally proclaimed 44 marine reserves in a network now covering a third of Australia’s ocean territory.
Places like the Coral Sea will now be safeguarded from damaging activities such as oil and gas exploration.
The Coral Sea is a global biodiversity hot spot, recognised for the number and diversity of large ocean predators such as sharks, tunas, marlin, swordfish and sailfish. Protecting this special part of Australia will provide a safe haven for marine life and a globally significant ocean legacy for generations to come.
The public has overwhelmingly supported this process. Over 500,000 people have expressed their support for the creation of a network of marine reserves in Australia.
For more information, please visit amcs offical web page

The 4th. international exhibition of environmental equipments, technologies and services POLLUTEC MAROC takes place on the 3th to October 6 (Casablanca/Morocco)
This meeting includes exhibitions of more than 450 Moroccan and international eco-industries – equipment suppliers and service providers in the Water, Waste, Recycling, Risk Prevention and Sustainable Development sectors –. The foreseen assistance is nearly 8000 trade visitors from national and local authorities, industry, eco-business, building and civil engineering and services.
The program includes numerous conferences, as well as technical meetings.
Hidtma will be present in the stand F22.
Once again, HIDTMA is present in the international meetings of the sector, sharing and updating its expertise.
ICCE 2012 will be held at the International Convention Center in Santander (Cantabria), Spain from July 1st to 6th, 2012.
Organizers & Sponsors:
- Environmental Hydraulics Institute ”IH Cantabria”, University of Cantabria.
- Spanish Society of Civil Engineers
Under Auspices of:
- Coastal Engineering Research Council of Coasts, Oceans, Ports and RiversInstitute of American Society of Civil Engineers
Supporting Institutions:
- Government of Cantabria
- Municipality of Santander
- University of Cantabria
- Cantabria International Campus (Water and Energy)
For more information, please visit the Official Website of the Conference
HIDTMA continues with the works of the Eco-cartographic Study of the province of Cádiz, awarded by the Ministry of the Agriculture and Environment to the UTE ECOATLÁNTICO (formed by the companies HIDTMA SL and ACCIONA Ing).
HIDTMA’s wide previous experience in this type of works has made possible that the works are in the term foreseen of ending.
The works understand different areas of study: coastal engineering, multibeam-based bathymetry, quality of marine water and sediments, fisheries, marine biology, etc
HIDTMA, through its partner ABARLOA2, takes part in the ” Study of viability for the placement of artificial reefs and of blocks antidrag to the south of Kerkennah Islands (Gulf of Gabès/Tunisia) ”
HIDTMA‘s wide international experience in this field has made possible its presence in this project.
The 3rd international exhibition of environmental equipments, technologies and services POLLUTEC MAROC takes place on the 26th to October 29 (Casablanca/Morocco)
This meeting includes exhibitions of more than 400 professionals of the sector. The foreseen assistance is nearly 8.000 trade visitors from industry, eco-activities, building and civil engineering, national and local authorities and services.
The program includes numerous conferences, as well as technical meetings.
Once again, HIDTMA is present in the international meetings of the sector, sharing and updating its expertise.
During the 18th and 19th of October, in Valencia (Spain), HIDTMA has been present in the last world meeting RESON Academy 2011, regarding the multibeam technology and sponsored by RESON, world leader in the manufacture of advanced multibeam sonar systems.
In this meeting, papers have been presented regarding the theoretical and practical aspects of this technology.
With the assistance to this course, HIDTMA continues its politics to have its personnel updated with the last technological developments.
HIDTMA in competition with another 14 bids presented by leading companies in Environmental Engineering, was the successful bidder for the provision of TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY OF THE NEW RO-RO RAMPS AND BERTHING LINE FOR THE FISHING PORT of the VIGO PORT AUTHORITY.

The work to be analysed consists of the modification of the external face of the fishing Pier, for the purposes of making it dockable, and the construction by phases, in different areas of the Bouzas dock, of 72.00 m2 by way of 3 new Ro-Ro ramps.
The Ría de Vigo is an area of high environmental interest and therefore any action taken is subject to considerable monitoring. For the more expeditious achievement of the objective, as part of the Assistance, significant attention will be paid not only to the competent official bodies, but also to other environmental institutions and organisations, citizens and companies.
To guarantee the technical quality of the work, HIDTMA will bring its experience, from over 20 years, in the preparation of Environmental Impact Studies for ports.
The following aspects, considered to be of greatest relevance, will be handled through the execution of specific studies such as: Hidrodynamics, Evolution of water quality, Water renewal, Dispersal and sedimentation of dredging material, Maritime Climate and Wave Agitation, Impact on the coast, Atmospheric contamination, Noise and Light pollution, Visual impact and Socioeconomic Impact.
The First Congress of the Mexican Merchant Navy took place from 9th to 13th of November, organised by the Ministry of Communication and Transport (SCT) and the Mexican Chamber of Maritime Transport (Cameintram).

The objective of the Congress was to create awareness of the design of public policies and their impact on the development of this industry in Mexico, with the participation of the Secretaries of the Treasury and Communications and Transport, as well as that of Pemex Exploración y Producción, Pemex-Refinación and other organisms and companies of the industry.
The lecture “Contaminants in the marine environment”, imparted by our partner Javier Enríquez, took place within this framework. In it, he discussed the Spanish experiences in the field of the fight against contamination through hydrocarbon spills, with special attention to the causes and consequences of the Prestige accident.
One part of the lecture was dedicated to the analysis of mathematical models as valid tools for the study of hydrocarbon spills, salinity or temperature, in which HIDTMA has extensive experience.
HIDTMA has fine-tuned the eco-friendly DHI ECOLAB model for its application on the coasts and continental waters of Spain.
It is a model which permits the modelling of aquatic ecosystems, describing the quality of the waters and the eutrophication phenomena. It permits the simulation of DBO nutrients, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, coliforms, amongst other parameters, considering the interrelation between same and the processes of production and consumption, considering exchanges with the atmosphere, photosynthesis, nitrification, etc…

On the other hand, HIDTMA has complemented its software for the calculation of Cadnna noise pollution with the acquisition of the APL extension for the calculation of atmospheric contaminants.
The APL extension permits the calculation, management and presentation of the distribution of atmospheric contaminants in accordance with the relevant European regulations. The results obtained may serve as a basis for action in the context of plans to reduce atmospheric pollution.