The First Congress of the Mexican Merchant Navy took place from 9th to 13th of November, organised by the Ministry of Communication and Transport (SCT) and the Mexican Chamber of Maritime Transport (Cameintram).
The objective of the Congress was to create awareness of the design of public policies and their impact on the development of this industry in Mexico, with the participation of the Secretaries of the Treasury and Communications and Transport, as well as that of Pemex Exploración y Producción, Pemex-Refinación and other organisms and companies of the industry.
The lecture “Contaminants in the marine environment”, imparted by our partner Javier Enríquez, took place within this framework. In it, he discussed the Spanish experiences in the field of the fight against contamination through hydrocarbon spills, with special attention to the causes and consequences of the Prestige accident.
One part of the lecture was dedicated to the analysis of mathematical models as valid tools for the study of hydrocarbon spills, salinity or temperature, in which HIDTMA has extensive experience.