The HIDTMA group has been performing field work in the marine environment for twenty years, with sophisticated measuring equipment and highly skilled personnel for their installation, handling and the capturing of data.
Likewise, it also has the most advanced software and hardware for the handling and analysis of data in the office. The basic aspects considered in field studies are:
- Topobathymetric studies
- Multibeam Sonar
- Monobeam Sonar
- Morphology of seabeds
- Side-Scan Sonar
- Registration and review of seabeds and underwater building work (filming digital video)
- Geophysical studies
- Seabed geophysics
- Vibrocores 3 and 6 meters
- Measurement of tides, waves, currents, temperature and winds
- Studies of marine biology and fisheries
- Noise analysis
- Sampling and analysis of waters and sediments
- Laboratory
Outstanding project
Within the framework of the Eco-cartographic studies carried out over the last decade by the Directorate General of Coastal and Sea Sustainability of the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, the HIDTMA company carried out the following Eco-cartographic Studies:
- Lanzarote.
- Fuerteventura and Isla de Lobos.
- Coast in the provinces of Valencia and Alicante.
- Coast in the provinces of Murcia, Almería and Granada.
- Coast in the province of Castellón.

The preparation of these studies involved extense and in-depth desk and field work on the part of a large multidisciplinary team, in collaboration with other companies and Universities. The work considered all the aspects necessary for the complete characterisation of the coastal environment, for the purposes of the ordination and Integrated management of the Spanish coast.
To read more about Coastal Eco-cartographic studies, visit our blog ECOCARTOGRAFÍAS.COM